Coffee with a CEO
Jim had an interview over coffee with Juli Smith, President of Smith Consulting Group, LLC.
“Jim shares with us his journey of becoming an engineer, how embracing change and taking risks is a good thing, what being a servant leader means to him, and why he doesn’t have any professional regrets.”
Click this link to read more about Jim’s journey and see how awesome he is.
The Kleingers Group and Adopt a Book
On Friday 9/13/19, at our all-employee annual meeting, we took a break from talking strategy, finances, and branding to build 60 cabinets for Adopt A Book to donate to the community. Depending on which employee you talk to, it was either the best or worst thing we’ve done in a while (hint: the cabinets were from IKEA). Definitely one or the other. A special thank you also goes out to the employees who collected over 1,000 books. Way to go!
The Cincinnati Preschool Promise, Cheviot Academy, LEAP Academy, Riverview East Academy, Cincinnati Early Learning Centers, Inc. – CELC, First Step Home, Butler County Educational Service Center, The HealthCare Connection, Good Samaritan Hospital – we hope you enjoy your cabinets. We may or may not have an employee uprising on our hands if we ask our people to build any more IKEA furniture.
Recycling Technology!
The Kleingers Group donated 122 items over the course of 9 months to Cincinnati Computers Cooperative. We love to support local businesses and help the community! Click here…/ to find out how YOU can make a difference too.

Summer Survey Photo Contest Winner!
Congratulations to Rick Hardesty for being our Summer Survey Photo Contest winner! A $50 Visa gift card is coming your way. Check out his winning photo of the Basilica Cathedral in Covington!