Silverton Small Area Plan – Cincinnati Design Awards Winner
Silverton Small Area Plan wins Cincinnati Design Awards For Landscape Architecture & Community Planning
The Small Area Plan for the Village of Silverton promotes an active streetscape, provides for civic green space, and creates a more welcoming and walkable downtown. The design process included multiple stages of community engagement which began with a streetscape walk consisting of Village staff and focus group members to garner ideas for the future vision of the Plainfield Road streetscape. Public engagement continued with design charrettes and public open houses which were critical in creating the vision for the streetscape improvements for the diverse community.
To provide the Village of Silverton with a beautiful, pedestrian friendly streetscape promoting community building, the plan includes a Silverton gateway arch, a new pocket park, multiple streetscape parklets, a civic green with a pavilion for concerts, and community movie nights. Streetscape amenities include new streetscape pavement, pavers, planters, seating, art installations, lighting, parking, accessibility, bike racks, and Village branding.
The design was brought to life by creating extensive computer rendered 3D model videos. The rendered videos show the proposed improvements as if you were walking down the street. These videos helped to raise awareness of the plan and garner community support, promote economic development on the Village’s website, and helped successfully gain funding.
The Silverton Small Area Plan has created a meaningful impact on the community by creating a clear vision for the future streetscape and has already garnered additional funding to construct these proposed improvements.
Project Team
Urban Planner: Jay Stewart – Stewart Land Use
Landscape Architect:
Lynne Nischwitz – Lead Landscape Architect – The Kleingers Group; Jessica Rybolt – Landscape Designer; Dan Schneider – Landscape Architect
Tom Carroll – Silverton Village Manager
Read more about the award winning Silverton Small Area Plan at
Tree Donated Celebrating 2017 World Landscape Architecture Month

Lynne and Ryan, members of Kleingers’ Landscape Architecture Studio, are on hand for the tree installation.
In celebration of 2017 World Landscape Architecture Month (WLAM), The Kleingers Group generated an online social media campaign to raise awareness for the landscape architecture profession. The campaign gave social media followers the opportunity to vote for their favorite community park designed by Kleingers’ landscape architects. The park with the most votes would receive a shade tree donated by the Kleingers Group. During the month-long landscape architecture celebration, the campaign reached over 10,000 people online and Miller Ecological Park in Lebanon, Ohio was selected to receive the donated tree from Kleingers.
The Miller Ecological Park consists of many sustainable features including a permeable parking lot, bioswales, and many diverse plantings to attract birds and wildlife. Many projects within the park have been donated such as bird boxes, a wildlife blind, an informational kiosk, benches and bleachers, a maintained walking/running trail, bridges, and a gaga pit.
“The City is very thankful for the donation of a beautiful tree in Miller Ecological Park, by Kleingers, as we continue to work on enhancing the park’s natural environment.”
– Scott Brunka, Deputy City Manager, City of Lebanon
The Kleingers Group remains astounded by the level of support each community fostered during our small campaign. We can only hope this effort will inspire others to give back within their own communities. Thank you to all who voted, donated, and celebrated #WLAM17 with us. We look forward to celebrating again next year!
To learn more about the profession and Landscape Architecture Month, visit
Kleingers Certified as a Cincinnati Small Business Enterprise
We are excited to announce our newest small business enterprise (SBE) certification! Recently, we received our SBE certification through the City of Cincinnati. This certification allows us to meet small business hiring goals for a variety of projects through Cincinnati Water Works, Cincinnati DOTE, and other City departments.
In addition to the City of Cincinnati, we are also certified as an SBE through the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati, the City of Dayton, and the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Orange Barrel Media HQ is Growing
Traveled through Columbus lately? You may have seen construction at the new Orange Barrel Media Headquarters. The headquarters is located along I-670 just west of the confluence of the Scioto River and the Olentangy River near downtown.
It’s hard to miss the gigantic signage for the project, also under construction. Each tower for the sign is designed for a construction height of 160′! To help verify the towers were being constructed plumb, the contractor looked to our Central Ohio based surveyors to provide measurements at 20′ intervals to check the position of concrete forms. Proper adjustments were then made to ensure the towers met adequate dimensions, there is a minimal tolerance of 3/4″ for the steel between the towers.