Blue Ash Corridor Improvements

Deer Park, OH

  • The Blue Ash Road Corridor in need a pavement condition assessment.

Before reconstruction, the Blue Ash Road corridor suffered from vacant businesses, absent landlords, and real and perceived safety issues. Being afflicted with a high rate of accidents, including fatalities, this stretch of road had become a drive-by corridor for commuters traveling through the city and less so a business center. The lack of a sense of place and investment in the public right of way discouraged businesses from making private investments, leading to a downward cycle of economic malaise.

The Kleingers Group identified the safety shortcomings of the Blue Ash Road corridor and was instrumental in securing funding the city needed for improvements. Some primary causes of unsafe conditions and other deficits included on-street parking, lack of adequate lighting, inadequate traffic signals, and deficient railroad preemption equipment. Design challenges were addressed and resolved through input and coordination with the community and other stakeholders, including utility providers. The design team, working with The City of Deer Park, conjoined the needed safety improvement elements with aesthetic enhancements to promote economic growth for the benefit of the surrounding community. The transformation includes reverse angled parking, a road diet, curb bump-outs, and site amenities, including bike racks, benches, and planters. Growth and viability are now inevitable due to proper planning, community engagement, and utilizing existing engineering technologies and techniques. This project proves that it is possible to provide sustained value to the communities we serve.

With this project, The Kleingers Group was the winner of one of The American Council of Engineer Companies of Ohio’s 2022 Engineering Excellence Awards.

Working with The Kleingers Group is simple.

  1. We listen and learn about your project.

  2. We collaborate to create the right design for your project, using everyday language.

  3. We deliver the project details and plans and walk you through the construction process.

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