Landscape Architects Take on Capitol Hill

Today, Lynne Nischwitz, The Kleingers Group Landscape Architecture Studio Leader and Ohio Chapter ASLA Vice President of Legislative Affairs heads to Washington D.C. alongside fellow landscape architects from across the country as part of ASLA Advocacy Day.
Lynne will be meeting with area politicians including John Boehner, Steve Chabot, Sherrod Brown, and Rob Portman to discuss transportation initiatives including complete streets, safe routes to schools, and recreational walks. Specifically discussing the following legislation: In the House: H.R. 2468 the Safe Streets Act; In the Senate: S. 2004; and in the House: H.R. 3978 New Opportunities.
These programs offer landscape architects and other design professionals the opportunity to “design and plan projects that are revitalizing communities, creating local jobs, jumpstarting economic development, and providing affordable transportation choices for communities across the nation.” –
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