The Kleingers Group Wins 2022 ACEC Engineering Excellence Award
The Kleingers Group has received one of The American Council of Engineering Companies of Ohio‘s (ACEC) 2022 Outstanding Awards for the Blue Ash Road Corridor Improvements project. This redesign and beautification project was developed by transportation engineers Nick Yeretzian, Sarah Fraser, Mark Nolt, and Travis Hunt. The ACEC Ohio Engineering Excellence Awards will take place on March 10, 2022, in Columbus, Ohio.
The Kleingers Group identified the safety shortcomings of the corridor and was instrumental in securing funding the city needed for improvements. Some primary causes of unsafe conditions and other deficits included on-street parking, lack of adequate lighting, inadequate traffic signals, and deficient railroad preemption equipment. Design challenges were addressed and resolved through input and coordination with the community and other stakeholders, including utility providers. The design team, working with The City of Deer Park, conjoined the needed safety improvement elements with aesthetic enhancements to promote economic growth for the benefit of the surrounding community. The transformation includes reverse angled parking, a road diet, curb bump-outs, and site amenities, including bike racks, benches, and planters. Growth and viability are now inevitable due to proper planning, community engagement, and utilizing existing engineering technologies and techniques. This project proves that it is possible to provide sustained value to the communities we serve.
Read more about the Blue Ash Road Corridor Improvements project here.
Silverton Small Area Plan – Cincinnati Design Awards Winner
Silverton Small Area Plan wins Cincinnati Design Awards For Landscape Architecture & Community Planning
The Small Area Plan for the Village of Silverton promotes an active streetscape, provides for civic green space, and creates a more welcoming and walkable downtown. The design process included multiple stages of community engagement which began with a streetscape walk consisting of Village staff and focus group members to garner ideas for the future vision of the Plainfield Road streetscape. Public engagement continued with design charrettes and public open houses which were critical in creating the vision for the streetscape improvements for the diverse community.
To provide the Village of Silverton with a beautiful, pedestrian friendly streetscape promoting community building, the plan includes a Silverton gateway arch, a new pocket park, multiple streetscape parklets, a civic green with a pavilion for concerts, and community movie nights. Streetscape amenities include new streetscape pavement, pavers, planters, seating, art installations, lighting, parking, accessibility, bike racks, and Village branding.
The design was brought to life by creating extensive computer rendered 3D model videos. The rendered videos show the proposed improvements as if you were walking down the street. These videos helped to raise awareness of the plan and garner community support, promote economic development on the Village’s website, and helped successfully gain funding.
The Silverton Small Area Plan has created a meaningful impact on the community by creating a clear vision for the future streetscape and has already garnered additional funding to construct these proposed improvements.
Project Team
Urban Planner: Jay Stewart – Stewart Land Use
Landscape Architect:
Lynne Nischwitz – Lead Landscape Architect – The Kleingers Group; Jessica Rybolt – Landscape Designer; Dan Schneider – Landscape Architect
Tom Carroll – Silverton Village Manager
Read more about the award winning Silverton Small Area Plan at
Mike Slagle Promoted!
We are pleased to share that Mike Slagle is being promoted to Project Manager, Landscape Architecture! Mike has done a great job following through on projects from beginning to end, leading subconsultant meetings, and coordinating with subconsultants. He provides clients with detailed design, construction documentation, and construction administration for their projects.
Mike is prepared to apply his managerial skills to mentor and help guide staff. Fully engaged in a busy team, we are pleased that Mike has stepped up to tackle this new role, adding capabilities to meet increasing landscape architecture projects. Congratulations Mike!

Kacie Jane Park Ribbon Cutting
Yesterday, The Kleingers Group attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Kacie Jane Park in Springboro that pays tribute to the memory of Kacie Jane and her father Tom. Our team provided the master planning and construction documentation for this 4,000 SF splash park. This is our first big splash pad and features 15 different spray group activities. The Mayor, City Council members, Clearcreek Township officials, Springboro Chamber, and the Hausfeld Family celebrated the dedication of the park to the City. This project is building a better community by providing a space for other families to have fun and laugh together. Phase 2 of incorporating playgrounds will be constructed next year.