Civil engineering title image.

Understand Your Civil Engineering Project Like Never Before

Our professional team of engineers and planners approach each project with the same goals in mind: to design creative solutions that are functional and visually appealing, to investigate and offer alternatives that minimize construction costs, and ensure the project is completed on time and on budget. However, the most crucial goal is to keep you updated without the technical jargon, so it’s easy to understand because a pleasant experience is what we all want.

The Kleingers Group works closely with you to make certain projects run smoothly and efficiently, from site selection and feasibility studies to final design and construction. Our company-wide commitment to providing superior service has earned us an exceptional reputation with clients as well as government and reviewing agencies.

Site Engineering 

  • Site Assessment and Feasibility Studies 
  • Site Layout and Design 
  • Grading and Earthwork Planning 
  • Stormwater Management and Drainage Design 
  • Coordination with Utilities 
  • Utility Design 
    • Watermain Design 
    • Sanitary Sewer Design 
  • Traffic Impact Studies 
  • Public and Private Road Design 
  • Hydrologic and Hydraulic Studies for Floodplain Construction Permitting 
  • FEMA Permitting 
  • Army Corps Permitting 
  • Erosion and Sediment Control Plans 
  • Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans 
  • Construction Administration 
  • Environmental Study Integration with Site 

Site Planning

  • Site Analysis 
    • Zoning Analysis 
    • Utility Assessment 
    • Access and Transportation 
  • Feasibility Studies 
    • Regulatory Compliance 
    • Risk Assessment 
    • Alternative Solutions 
  • Land Development Planning 
    • Site Selection and Acquisition 
    • Master Planning 
  • Land Use Planning 
  • Infrastructure Planning 
  • Project Management 

Our professional team of engineers and planners approach each project with the same goals in mind: to design creative solutions that are functional and visually appealing, to investigate and offer alternatives that minimize construction costs, and ensure the project is completed on time and on budget. However, the most crucial goal is to keep you updated without the technical jargon, so it’s easy to understand because a pleasant experience is what we all want.

The Kleingers Group works closely with you to make certain projects run smoothly and efficiently, from site selection and feasibility studies to final design and construction. Our company-wide commitment to providing superior service has earned us an exceptional reputation with clients as well as government and reviewing agencies.

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